Superhero Breakfast

What’s better than directing a spot for the most coveted childhood breakfast? One featuring the Justice League splashed across the front, back and inside of your cereal box.

Jason Ho collaborated with BellShop + Ultra Creative on Big G’s latest partnership with Warner Bros., on behalf of DC Entertainment. The spot features four exclusive DC Comics and special edition boxes of Honey Nut Cheerios, Multi Grain Cheerios, Trix, Lucky Charms and Cocoa Puffs with a complete DC Superhero makeover … needless to say JHO made off with the full collection (nothing shocking given his boyhood aspirations).


True Monsters

True Monsters is a series that brings the scariest stories from our past and our present to life while delving into the truths that have inspired our favorite legends and fantastical creatures. Through a blend of cinematic re-creations and engaging storytelling by a panel of guests ranging from notable fantasy fiction writers to a criminal profiler, True Monsters is a show that reveals more about our monsters – and about us – than you’ve ever imagined. Touching on traditional myths from countries like Greece and Norway, the series broadens out to include monsters and characters from all kinds of sources, including the Bible and modern day urban legends. Now is your chance to see colossal giants like Goliath fall on the battlefield, man-beasts like the minotaur stalk their prey, a Christmas devil named Krampus cart a victim off to Hell and a scissor-wielding, slit-mouthed stalker in Japan seize upon the most helpless victims of all. True Monsters will entertain you while also explaining what led humans to create and fear such creatures and stories in the first place.

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