Lukas Medin
If you took an x-ray of Lukas Medin’s torso you’d see all sorts of sprockets and gears, a sound drum, and a film gate because Lukas lives and breathes film. That’s a great thing for a post-production assistant, which, it turns out, he is at Committee. He was also a fencer in college, which isn’t as handy for post, but makes us all feel like we’ve got a better chance during an orc invasion (The Lord of the Rings trilogy is Lukas’s favorite book – hence the reference).
When not at Committee, watching films for review, Lukas loves watching films in the theater. Please see the part above about living and breathing film if you have questions about this. He’s a huge fan of Godzilla films in particular and hopes to one day zip line into Godzilla’s mouth. This is not a metaphor – apparently there is a hotel in Japan where you can do that, but then again there is a LOT of interesting stuff to do in Japan.
We’ve been told that Lukas is able to do a few really great impressions of certain film characters (go figure), but so far only have seen one impression – the great one he’s made on us. Wow. That was cheesy, but cheese… is for real, as is our opinion of Lukas.
Lukas currently lives in St. Louis Park with his dog Briley. While he’s certainly a household name there, he may soon be where you live too as his thesis film has recently been accepted into numerous festivals. Makes sense when you think about it.