Cindy Barber
Try this. Go home and ask whichever digital assistant you prefer to define “backbone of Committee Films”. The answer will be Cindy Barber (if not please update your settings). Cindy is our Director of Administration and that means she has her hands in literally everything we do from bookkeeping (fun fact: the only word in the English language with three double letters in a row) to budget management to keeping releases filed and organized to booking travel to maintaining a functioning office to… well, you get the idea. We could keep “to-ing”, but this bio would never end. Let’s just say we need her more than a hat in a Minnesota winter. Have you been in Minnesota in the winter? Give it a shot. See?
As a lover of cleanliness and order and a hater of tomatoes she is the perfect person to manage the massive amounts of “things” a production company gets into. Speaking of getting into stuff, she once let former (possibly current) teen heartthrob David Cassidy in the back of her hatchback to help him flee a stalker. True story. Although – isn’t that what a stalker would want David Cassidy to believe? Just saying.
Prior to coming to Committee Cindy was a high-end shoe buyer for Nordstrom’s and other boutique stores. But, lucky for us, that wasn’t a good fit (get it?) and we landed her at Committee Films.
When not saving our lives each day, she saves guinea pigs. Again, true story. She once saved their family guinea pig from cancer. Although – isn’t that what a stalker would want David Cassidy to believe? The aforementioned family consists of herself, her husband, and two boys who all live in Waconia, MN and have a happy life.