Antonio Richardson
An anagram for Antonio Richardson is Radiant Noon Choirs – which is exactly what swore we heard singing when he applied at Committee Films for an Associate Producer position. And everyone knows when a noon choir sings – you listen! We’re glad we did because Antonio is the real deal. A man of many interests including fashion, art, film, meditation, music, and Batman – he’s always willing to dig into a topic and find out all there is to know. A critical feature of a great AP. Seriously. Pick a thing. It’s nigh certain he’s studied it or is about to.
In addition to keeping all our projects on track through tireless research and tenacious documentation, Antonio is a shoe aficionado. We’re not sure he’s ever worn the same pair to work more than once, though there is a rumor that someone once saw him repeat a sneaker in 2017. Snopes is still checking this out.
When he’s not at work Antonio works with at-risk youth and may be the most positive person anyone has ever met. Scientists are pretty sure he has no electrons (this is a pretty solid science joke, which we’re sure Antonio could explain to you in greater detail if you have questions). He currently lives in St. Paul where he enjoys vanilla-scented candles, mini-snickers bars, and seafood as well as many non-flavor-based activities.
So, if you’re driving through the capital and hear the faint tones of a radiant choir – just know it’s Antonio making something better… or you’re driving by the cathedral. Either one.